Showing posts with label Anti Dusting Agent. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Anti Dusting Agent. Show all posts

Wednesday, 27 January 2021

How Can Fertilizers Give New Life To Agriculture Soil ?

Soil health is the substructure of productive and beneficial farming practices. Fertile soil lends indispensable nutrients to plants. Eminent physical attributes of soil allow air and water to seep down, roots to investigate, and biota to bloom. Soil health and soil quality are the terminologies used anonymously to throw light upon soils that are not only fertile but also carry enough biological and physical properties to preserve productivity, regulate environmental quality, and advocate plant and animal health. Improve life to agriculture soil through the Anti dust Agents. In order to achieve crop growth, the soil needs to hold nutrients and water just like a sponge. The characteristics of high quality and healthy soil include:

How to Improve Life To Agriculture Soil

  • Excellent soil tilth
  • Ample depth
  • Sufficient nutrient supply
  • The cramped population of plant pathogens and insect pests
  • Superior soil drainage
  • High beneficial organisms
  • Low levels of weed pressure
  • No usage of chemicals or toxins since they harm the crop
  • Degradation resilient
Know About: Defoamer Chemical

Soil is the basic building block of farming. The prime focus of soil management is to preserve soil and heighten its performance so that farming can be carried out profitably by preserving the environmental quality for the future.

Agricultural soil can be rejuvenated by six simple practices that accentuate soil performance:

  • Addition of organic matter

Soil quality can be enhanced when organic material is added to it. Organic matter upgrades soil structure, augment water and nutrient holding capability, secures soil from erosion, and aids healthy fostering of soil organisms. Residues from the previous crop, animal manure, and cover crops are collectively present in the organic matter.

  • Averting excessive soil tillage and compaction

Tillage is essential for loosening surface soil, fitting the seedbed, and ruling weeds and pests. Excessive tillage breaks up soil structure, speeds up the levels of decomposition, and results in loss of organic matter. The threat of erosion is intensified, a habitat of helpful organisms is destroyed which causes compaction. Reducing tillage lowers down the loss of organic matter and shoots up the residue protecting the soil surface. Compaction results in the reduction of the amount of air, water, etc.

  • Efficient management of pests and nutrients

The use of pesticides and chemical fertilizers has revolutionized modern agricultural practices. Though they come with various advantages, certain harm is caused to non-target organisms as well. Air and water pollution is also caused. Efficient pest and nutrient management is required and can be achieved by applying only the essential chemical fertilizer, at the correct time and place.

  • Covering the ground

Bare soil is prone to water and wind erosion, and to crusting and drying. Groundcover safeguards soil offers shelter to larger soil organisms like earthworms and other insects and can accelerate water availability. Groundcover must be managed in an adept manner in order to avoid issues withheld up soil warming in the season of spring, diseases, and exaggerated build-up of Flocculants for Phosphoric Acid at the surface.

  • Increment in diversity

Diversity is advantageous for many reasons. A diversity of soil organisms aids to restrict pest populations, minimize soil diseases and reduce weed pressures. Diversity can be accelerated by adding crops to the crop rotation or by changing tillage activities.

  • Auditing soil performance

Making a detailed observation of the soil cover can help keep a check on the soil performance. Monitoring the day to day or year to year performance of the soil will help record the variations as well.

A soil management plan is extremely necessary to give agricultural soil a new life. The plan is a fool-proof solution to enhance agricultural soil’s attributes.
  • Goal Setting
  • Inventorying of soil
  • Assessment of soil as well as practices
  • Formulating an action plan
  • Monitoring progress
Hence, with the above-mentioned steps, agricultural soil can be made rich and fertile by which productivity can be achieved. If you want to know more detail visit NAQ Global. The soil management plan also helps in administering all the soil practices which have a great hand in enhancing soil quality. Healthy soil raises healthy crops and so the agricultural soil must be made of such a kind that raises quality crops.

Know About: Filter Aid Powder

Thursday, 14 May 2020

Importance of Eco-Friendly Fertilizer Coating Materials

Many types of Fertilizer coatings have been used to fertilizer particles to control their solubility in soil. Controlling the rate of nutrient release can offer multiple environmental, economic, and yield benefits. There are many companies dealing in Eco-Friendly Fertilizer, but the main benefits of considering Eco-Friendly Fertilizer Coatings Material by NAQ Global are -

  • It is free from harmful residue 
  • Do not produces pollution
  • Convert organic matter in form of nutrients needed by plants 
  • Formulated in the form of liquid so can easily penetrate in soil 
  • Open up the soil pores that helps in releasing nutrients 

Why is being Eco-Friendly Important?

Problems like global warming are one of the biggest issues which the world is facing these days; there are many reasons for global warming due to which it becomes much difficult to say the exact reason behind it. The effect of global warming is to turn out to be serious with the passing of each day. 

Causes of Global Warming 

Emission of Carbon Dioxide:- Coal-burning power plants help us in getting electricity, but at the same time, it also releases a large amount of carbon dioxide and other harmful gases in the atmosphere. 40% of emissions of carbon dioxide come from the production of electricity and 93% come from the coal-burning industry. Every day, more and more electronic gadgets are coming in the market and due to many alternative sources of energy, today most of you are dependent on coal-burning for commercial and personal electrical supply. 

Aerosols:- Another cause of global warming is aerosols, which are often known as greenhouse gases. Aerosols are basically particles of dust, which when released with carbon dioxide into large quantity into the atmosphere makes environmentally harmful. Some aerosols even have a cooling effect on climate, while on the other hand many have a global warming effect. Contrary, they have a cooling effect rather than a warming effect, but till now no one has given the right idea of its magnitude. The main reason behind this is no one has understood the occurrence, characteristics, and influence of aerosols. 

Farming:- Animals, particularly like cattle and sheep, produce methane, which is a type of greenhouse gas. When livestock grazed at a large scale, the amount of methane that is produced is a big contributor to the world’s most hectic problem, global warming. There are some fertilizers which farmers use also releases harmful gases and is another kind of greenhouse gas. 

Increased use of Chemical Products:- In the last half-century, the use of chemical fertilizers has increased a lot and this is one of the main reasons for global warming. The rate of this application is very high and has effects on storing the heat of cropland. In addition to these, high levels of nitrate in groundwater because of over-fertilization are increasing the cause of human health. 

Use Eco-Friendly Products by NAQ Global to Get Over Global Warming

Chemical fertilizers are needed to be avoided as they contain fossil fuels in it. This not only destroys the nutrient that we get from crops but also transfer the harmful substances to our bodies. The eco-friendly products by NAQ GLOBAL are harmless to the environment because of the 0 percent intake of fossil fuels, in them. Since the population is growing rapidly, therefore need advanced quality products to increase crop yield are equally important. The eco-friendly products not only help in maintaining the environmental friendliness as well as it improves the efficiency of your land to grow more. 

Conclusion:- Since our activities like emission of greenhouse gases and the increase in the use of products are leading towards global warming then it is extremely important to shift towards eco-friendly techniques and alternatives. If we continue to destroy our planet at this rate, then very soon it will pose a severe threat to our survival. We must try eco-friendly appliances, limit the use of greenhouse gases.