Showing posts with label Antidust Agent Suppliers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Antidust Agent Suppliers. Show all posts

Wednesday, 27 January 2021

How Can Fertilizers Give New Life To Agriculture Soil ?

Soil health is the substructure of productive and beneficial farming practices. Fertile soil lends indispensable nutrients to plants. Eminent physical attributes of soil allow air and water to seep down, roots to investigate, and biota to bloom. Soil health and soil quality are the terminologies used anonymously to throw light upon soils that are not only fertile but also carry enough biological and physical properties to preserve productivity, regulate environmental quality, and advocate plant and animal health. Improve life to agriculture soil through the Anti dust Agents. In order to achieve crop growth, the soil needs to hold nutrients and water just like a sponge. The characteristics of high quality and healthy soil include:

How to Improve Life To Agriculture Soil

  • Excellent soil tilth
  • Ample depth
  • Sufficient nutrient supply
  • The cramped population of plant pathogens and insect pests
  • Superior soil drainage
  • High beneficial organisms
  • Low levels of weed pressure
  • No usage of chemicals or toxins since they harm the crop
  • Degradation resilient
Know About: Defoamer Chemical

Soil is the basic building block of farming. The prime focus of soil management is to preserve soil and heighten its performance so that farming can be carried out profitably by preserving the environmental quality for the future.

Agricultural soil can be rejuvenated by six simple practices that accentuate soil performance:

  • Addition of organic matter

Soil quality can be enhanced when organic material is added to it. Organic matter upgrades soil structure, augment water and nutrient holding capability, secures soil from erosion, and aids healthy fostering of soil organisms. Residues from the previous crop, animal manure, and cover crops are collectively present in the organic matter.

  • Averting excessive soil tillage and compaction

Tillage is essential for loosening surface soil, fitting the seedbed, and ruling weeds and pests. Excessive tillage breaks up soil structure, speeds up the levels of decomposition, and results in loss of organic matter. The threat of erosion is intensified, a habitat of helpful organisms is destroyed which causes compaction. Reducing tillage lowers down the loss of organic matter and shoots up the residue protecting the soil surface. Compaction results in the reduction of the amount of air, water, etc.

  • Efficient management of pests and nutrients

The use of pesticides and chemical fertilizers has revolutionized modern agricultural practices. Though they come with various advantages, certain harm is caused to non-target organisms as well. Air and water pollution is also caused. Efficient pest and nutrient management is required and can be achieved by applying only the essential chemical fertilizer, at the correct time and place.

  • Covering the ground

Bare soil is prone to water and wind erosion, and to crusting and drying. Groundcover safeguards soil offers shelter to larger soil organisms like earthworms and other insects and can accelerate water availability. Groundcover must be managed in an adept manner in order to avoid issues withheld up soil warming in the season of spring, diseases, and exaggerated build-up of Flocculants for Phosphoric Acid at the surface.

  • Increment in diversity

Diversity is advantageous for many reasons. A diversity of soil organisms aids to restrict pest populations, minimize soil diseases and reduce weed pressures. Diversity can be accelerated by adding crops to the crop rotation or by changing tillage activities.

  • Auditing soil performance

Making a detailed observation of the soil cover can help keep a check on the soil performance. Monitoring the day to day or year to year performance of the soil will help record the variations as well.

A soil management plan is extremely necessary to give agricultural soil a new life. The plan is a fool-proof solution to enhance agricultural soil’s attributes.
  • Goal Setting
  • Inventorying of soil
  • Assessment of soil as well as practices
  • Formulating an action plan
  • Monitoring progress
Hence, with the above-mentioned steps, agricultural soil can be made rich and fertile by which productivity can be achieved. If you want to know more detail visit NAQ Global. The soil management plan also helps in administering all the soil practices which have a great hand in enhancing soil quality. Healthy soil raises healthy crops and so the agricultural soil must be made of such a kind that raises quality crops.

Know About: Filter Aid Powder

Monday, 7 September 2020

How Can Increase Fertilizer Granule's Strength to Store Them For Long?

Fertilizers are added to soil to enhance the growth of plants. They provide nourishment and extra support for better development of plants. They help to keep the plant growing in better soil conditions. Plants require potassium, nitrogen, phosphorus and nutrients for better health and yield. And fertilizers provide it to the plants very easily. However, the question is how do you store fertilizers for better results? 

Right storage is very important for the fertilizers to work well. Fertilizers need to be stored at a safe place to secure it from bad weather and expiry to prevent the formation of lumps or caking during storage. The formation of caking in fertilizers is majorly connected to salt bridges formation. The extent of caking depends on a number of factors like -
  • Its chemical composition 
  • Product temperature 
  • Storage pressure 
  • Time of storage 
  • Particle structure 
  • Moisture content 
  • Ambient conditions 
Caking of fertilizers is one of major problems suffered by retailers, manufacturers and everyone involved in this task. 

However, you do have measures to eliminate or reduce caking in fertilizers by going for process control, modifying packaging or storing conditions and making use of Anticking Agent For Fertilizers.You have a large number of additive and Anticaking Agent For Fertilizers to prevent the loss of essential nutrients like phosphorus, nitrogen and more. The additives play a major role in increasing the fertilizer granule strength to help them stay in storage for long. 

In order to prevent the caking of fertilizers and allowing it to retain its customer values are achieved by using Anticaking Agent For Fertilizers which contains oils and fats to reduce the hygroscopicity of the fertilizers. The Anticaking agents keep the moisture content of the fertilizers in hold during storage. Because of moisture fertilizers become sticky. This creates problem in usage and distribution. When you make use of Anticaking agents, migration of saturated solutions, its crystallization and recrystallization takes place. 

Apart from it, whether it is the granular size, pressure of fertilizers when stored in bags, ambient temperature and storing conditions lead to fertilizer caking. 

The Anticaking agents are customized depending on specific procedure problems and needs over several types of fertilizer salts. The best thing about the Anticaking agents is that they are non-toxic in nature and doesn’t cause any problem to Anticaking for NPK

NAQ Global Green Technology

NAQ Global is a world leader in this industry and along with dealing with dust suppressor, it can also provide with many another type of fertilizer coating material. NAQ Global’s antidusting agents along with the dust suppression systems are carefully engineering to suit the customer’s needs. It is the leading Defoamer Chemical Suppliers They produce anti-dusting and anticaking agent for your fertilizers and thus add life to fertilizer granules and help them stay for too long. The company helps in administering different products for different fertilizers and provides a helping hand in enhancing fertilizer quality with state-of-the-art technology products. 

The company excels in producing Anticaking Agent For Fertilizers which adds additional life to your fertilizers. You can speak to the technical team for any of queries and they will give you complete solution. Please refer to the website: for all contact information. The technical services and marketing executives will be happy to help in case of any fertilizer quality improvement requirements. 

Healthy soil leads to healthy crops and for healthy soil you need to have a good management of your fertilizers. So, get the right anti-caking fertilizers for long storage now.

Thursday, 9 August 2018

Coloring Aid for Fertilizers

Coloring Aid for Fertilizers


Coloring fertilizers often help in making them more appealing or in distinguishing between different fertilizers grades. coloring agents give beauty to fertilizer granules/prills especially when considering the fact that they help in brand image formation, technical properties, cosmetic qualities, visual homogeneity, color coding of grades, etc. According to the demand in the markets, farmers often ask for certain specific colors for a particular grade of fertilizer. Historically, some popular fertilizer grades were known to have a specific color, like brown for potash was considered to of extremely high quality. Today some farmers still have this perception that red potash is of high quality, encouraging fertilizer manufacturers to give that particular color to their produced fertilizers.

Coloring agents usually contain a combination of pigments which are added to slurry or fertilizers by various methods. The end product is a uniform colored fertilizer that is free flowing, if coated by proper means and appropriate chemistry and engineering, such as that coated by NAQ GLOBAL.

NAQ Global provides a wide range of coloring agents for fertilizers, including solutions for surface or body coloring.We have the technologies to ensure both, body and surface color, of the fertilizer, and can give recommendations for ideal coloring in accordance with the requirements of the customers. These colors can withstand harsh environment conditions, ammoniation, high temperature and humidity.

NAQ Global’s coloring solutions for fertilizers can often include benefits anti-dusting or anti-caking properties depending on the demands of the customers. This is an essential aspect of our mission to give complete solutions for fertilizer quality improvement rather than just a couple of products.Coloring aids often require specialized equipment and machinery that our technicians and engineers will be happy install and even teach the people in the plant about careful their monitoring.

NAQ Global’s GREENCOAT is available in various shades that are perspicaciously chosen based on the requirements of the customers and the base color of fertilizer granules/prills.Our research scientists, engineers, and field technicians can diagnose and prescribe the appropriate physical machinery and systems, coloring aid, coating agent, or a combination of multiple assorted products to achieve the desired result, in appearance and efficiency both, for our customers.