Showing posts with label fertilizer coating material. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fertilizer coating material. Show all posts

Wednesday, 27 January 2021

How Can Fertilizers Give New Life To Agriculture Soil ?

Soil health is the substructure of productive and beneficial farming practices. Fertile soil lends indispensable nutrients to plants. Eminent physical attributes of soil allow air and water to seep down, roots to investigate, and biota to bloom. Soil health and soil quality are the terminologies used anonymously to throw light upon soils that are not only fertile but also carry enough biological and physical properties to preserve productivity, regulate environmental quality, and advocate plant and animal health. Improve life to agriculture soil through the Anti dust Agents. In order to achieve crop growth, the soil needs to hold nutrients and water just like a sponge. The characteristics of high quality and healthy soil include:

How to Improve Life To Agriculture Soil

  • Excellent soil tilth
  • Ample depth
  • Sufficient nutrient supply
  • The cramped population of plant pathogens and insect pests
  • Superior soil drainage
  • High beneficial organisms
  • Low levels of weed pressure
  • No usage of chemicals or toxins since they harm the crop
  • Degradation resilient
Know About: Defoamer Chemical

Soil is the basic building block of farming. The prime focus of soil management is to preserve soil and heighten its performance so that farming can be carried out profitably by preserving the environmental quality for the future.

Agricultural soil can be rejuvenated by six simple practices that accentuate soil performance:

  • Addition of organic matter

Soil quality can be enhanced when organic material is added to it. Organic matter upgrades soil structure, augment water and nutrient holding capability, secures soil from erosion, and aids healthy fostering of soil organisms. Residues from the previous crop, animal manure, and cover crops are collectively present in the organic matter.

  • Averting excessive soil tillage and compaction

Tillage is essential for loosening surface soil, fitting the seedbed, and ruling weeds and pests. Excessive tillage breaks up soil structure, speeds up the levels of decomposition, and results in loss of organic matter. The threat of erosion is intensified, a habitat of helpful organisms is destroyed which causes compaction. Reducing tillage lowers down the loss of organic matter and shoots up the residue protecting the soil surface. Compaction results in the reduction of the amount of air, water, etc.

  • Efficient management of pests and nutrients

The use of pesticides and chemical fertilizers has revolutionized modern agricultural practices. Though they come with various advantages, certain harm is caused to non-target organisms as well. Air and water pollution is also caused. Efficient pest and nutrient management is required and can be achieved by applying only the essential chemical fertilizer, at the correct time and place.

  • Covering the ground

Bare soil is prone to water and wind erosion, and to crusting and drying. Groundcover safeguards soil offers shelter to larger soil organisms like earthworms and other insects and can accelerate water availability. Groundcover must be managed in an adept manner in order to avoid issues withheld up soil warming in the season of spring, diseases, and exaggerated build-up of Flocculants for Phosphoric Acid at the surface.

  • Increment in diversity

Diversity is advantageous for many reasons. A diversity of soil organisms aids to restrict pest populations, minimize soil diseases and reduce weed pressures. Diversity can be accelerated by adding crops to the crop rotation or by changing tillage activities.

  • Auditing soil performance

Making a detailed observation of the soil cover can help keep a check on the soil performance. Monitoring the day to day or year to year performance of the soil will help record the variations as well.

A soil management plan is extremely necessary to give agricultural soil a new life. The plan is a fool-proof solution to enhance agricultural soil’s attributes.
  • Goal Setting
  • Inventorying of soil
  • Assessment of soil as well as practices
  • Formulating an action plan
  • Monitoring progress
Hence, with the above-mentioned steps, agricultural soil can be made rich and fertile by which productivity can be achieved. If you want to know more detail visit NAQ Global. The soil management plan also helps in administering all the soil practices which have a great hand in enhancing soil quality. Healthy soil raises healthy crops and so the agricultural soil must be made of such a kind that raises quality crops.

Know About: Filter Aid Powder

Monday, 24 February 2020

Top Challenges of Fertilizer Industry in 2022- NAQ Global

Fertilizer Industry in 2022- NAQ Global

Indian fertilizers speculate to experience good growth because of the constant increase in population leading rise in demand for food. India being a leading producer of agricultural products has a high demand for fertilizers too. However, manufacturers continue to witness so major challenges in 2022. Some of them are given below:

Major Challenges of the Fertilizer Industry in 2022

1. Lack of Efficient Domestic Production:

India is a giant agricultural hub in the world and the majority of the population works in the agricultural sector. The produce largely depends on the fertilizers. India imports a lot of fertilizers because of the limited availability in the nation. The water-soluble fertilizers are speculated to grow at the maximum rate in the fertilizer industry. And only 1/4th of the demand for water-soluble fertilizers is met via domestic production in the nation. Even with the advancement in technology, the country lacks to produce fertilizer coating material and proper fertilizers. 

The fertilizer manufacturers are mapping down the lower the imports to increase the production and narrow the difference. 

2. Low Production Because of The Wrong Use of NPK:

The use of Anticaking for NPK (nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium) isn’t done in the right way. Plants need at least 17 components for proper development. The government motivates organic farming. Even steps are being taken for compound composts. The use of NPK is 4:2:1, but in Punjab, farmers use it 61:19:1. As urea is readily available to farmers so they use it irregularly leading to falling in yield. 

So, the biggest challenge faced by the fertilizer industry is the overuse of fertilizers. It is important to increase the organic element of the soil via natural farming and use chemical fertilizers only in the required quantity. Thus, it is important to know the usage pattern of every fertilizer and use it only in the quantity which is suggested.

3. Availability and Pricing:

The Indian fertilizer industry has some serious issues because of the lack of availability and varied prices of the raw material needed to produce fertilizers. The major reason for price fluctuation in fertilizers is the supply-demand aspect. India lacks the natural resources needed to produce fertilizers. When talking about urea, there isn’t sufficient natural gas present in the nation. 

Filter aid suppliers in India use intelligent production techniques to produce fertilizers. It uses real-time, pro-active info and produces fertilizers in the best possible manner. 

4. There aren’t Any Long Term and Stable Policies:

As it is seen that the Indian government still ignores the problems and challenges that the fertilizer industry in the nation faces and fails to set proper standards. The import duty on the materials imported and finished items are the same. Also, there isn’t any mandatory certification in the fertilizer industry. With the right standards and policies, the fertilizer industry will get the much-deserved boost it needs. The domestic certifications will add to the production, sale, and import.

Read More About Defoamer Chemical

5. Distributors and Sellers are The Major Influencers in The Fertilizer Market:

The demand for specialty fertilizers is rising at a very quick pace. Distributors have a big role in the sale of water-soluble fertilizers. The aggregate sales of different grades of water-soluble fertilizer are rising at great speed yet some Indian companies don’t see that rise in their sale. Well, it is important to survey the different grades of fertilizers to know about their demand. It is also important to analyze the customers' usage cycle and then generate a solution accordingly.

So with so many challenges to face in the year 2022, the fertilizer industry continues to struggle and get firmly established. However, there has been immense growth and it will continue to flourish in the coming time.

Sunday, 19 January 2020

5 Myths About Inorganic Fertilizer-Naq Global

5 Myths About Inorganic Fertilizer-Naq Global

The soil has seen a great rise and fall in its quality because of fertilizers and continued scientific researches on how important is healthy soil as a major role in the food system. In the coming time, the world will be facing a colossal challenge to produce more food in the coming decades. But, it can’t happen without healthy soils which are necessary to nourish your crops. While fertilizers are essentially important for healthy soils, several myths are circulating on this topic. Below here are some myths about inorganic fertilizers:

Inorganic Fertilizers can be Natural Too

It is essential to know here that organic i.e. natural and inorganic i.e. fertilizer coating material is different. Organic fertilizers have carbon. Organic fertilizers are all mineral and synthetic and man made like urea, but they may also occur naturally in the environment like Potassium Chloride.

Inorganic fertilizers don’t poison the soil

Organic and Inorganic fertilizers both don’t poison the soil when used agronomically incorrect composition, timing, and place with the right resource. The important point here is that excessive rate of inorganic fertilizers can lead to critical environmental damage. Excessive use of mineral fertilizers can lead to an increase in greenhouse gas emissions of methane, nitrate reaching ground waters and other waterways.

People don’t lose as much Nitrogen Fertilizer applied to Crops as Thought

Crops retain around 30 to 70% of the fertilizers applied, but a lot of it gets lost in denitrification and leaching, N2O gas emission, erosion as well as run out. But, science suggests either way. Microbes in the soil consume much of the nitrate from inorganic fertilizers before even the roots do and transform it into soil organic matter which is further mineralized and consumed by the plants. So, more than being a loss, it makes the soil better.

Fertilizers don’t deplete the organic matter of the soil

Mineral fertilizers add to the crop biomass if the residue of the crop is included in the soil. Farmers require more crop residue and roots to decompose if the organic fertilizer has boosted your production. It enhances soil organic matter. A combination of organic and inorganic fertilizers adds to the organic matter of the soil further.

Organic fertilizers aren’t the only way to the nutrition of the plant

The plant doesn’t care whether the nutrients it is absorbing is coming from fertilizer dissolution, organic matter, manure decomposition, or crop and root residue. But, the soil cares! Hence, it is important to know that organic and inorganic fertilizers render different advantages to the soil. 

Organic fertilizers offer carbon, the energy resource for soil microorganisms while inorganic fertilizers don’t have carbon. However, organic fertilizers have lesser nutrient content, with just 1-3% of the nitrogen in comparison to 46% of carbon found in organic fertilizer urea. Hence, science suggests that none of the fertilizers alone can benefit the soil and combining both is the best approach for the health of the soil.

These five myths dispel the notion that organic farming isn’t superior to conventional methods. Using just organic fertilizers may work only at some places where the soil is already nutrient-rich, but it is equally important to use inorganic fertilizers if your soil is undernourished. So, choose the best quality inorganic fertilizers and use it in the right ratio, quantity and at the right time to get the highest possible results. 

With the right use, you can enhance the quality of your soil and make it extra productive. Filter Aid Suppliers In India offers you top quality inorganic fertilizers for your soil and better crop productivity. Buy 100% original and pure fertilizers from here. 

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Monday, 18 November 2019

Need for inorganic Fertilizer and its Applying Method-Naq Global

Need for inorganic Fertilizer and its Applying Method-Naq Global

Inorganic fertilizers are called synthetic or artificial fertilizers are manufactured with chemicals. They don’t require a lot of time to break down and get decomposed before usage as they have nutrients that are readily absorbed by the plants. The plants need inorganic fertilizers for a number of reasons. They hold a lot of importance. Some of them are given below:

Quick in action

One of the reasons why farmers use inorganic fertilizers is because they act fast. The fertilizer coating material dissolves fast to the plant and renders essential nourishment in the form of potassium, phosphorus, and nitrogen. If the plants show a nutrient deficiency, inorganic fertilizers are more preferable than organic ones because they rely on soil organisms to break down first before the nutrients are released. Hence, the fast delivery of essential elements wipes out the problem of stunted growth and poor development of flowers, fruit, and stems.

Precise composition

Another reason why farmers need inorganic fertilizers is its precise composition of nutrients. The breakdown of the nutrients is mentioned as 12-10-10, 10-10-10. The first ingredient is nitrogen, second is phosphorus and then potassium. Knowing what nutrients and what quantities you are adding to the plant ensures that the right nourishment is being provided to the plant for its healthy development.

Simple to use

They have a simple to use formulation which makes them simple to transport in comparison to organic fertilizers such as manure. Inorganic fertilizers are available in the form of granules, water soluble form or liquid form for indoor and outdoor usage. It offers nutrients to plants for 3-8 months which wipes out the use of repeated fertilizer application, offering an advantage to busy house gardeners.


As they are mass produced, they are less expensive in comparison to organic fertilizers which are slightly costly. The dry granule artificial fertilizers are highly cost effective for home gardeners. They render complete nutrition and don’t require repeated usage.

The application method of inorganic fertilizers

A lot of farmers use inorganic fertilizers on hectares of land. But, do you know what methods they use? And what is the best way to apply fertilizers in crops?

There are several application methods. So if it is in the solid form while some in liquid form. Solid form involves broadcasting, placement, and localized placement.

  • Broadcasting is recommended to spread a huge amount of fertilizer in a big area. It can be spread uniformly by hand or machine.
  • When fertilizers are sited in the soil irrespective of the seed position or before or after the crop is sown, it is called placement. It involves plow sole placement which is sited in a band on furrow bottom during the plowing procedure. You can also go for deep placement or sub-surface placement. It is done in several ways like a shortage of water, sub-soil placement or irrigated tracts.
  • You can also go for a localized placement. It is about applying the fertilizer to the soil to the plant or seed. It involves drill placement which is about drilling seed and fertilizer together when sowing.
  • Band placement is of two types. The first one is hill placement in which the fertilizers are placed nearby the plant in the band on one or either side of the crop. The other one is row placement where fertilizers are kept in the continuous band on one side or both the sides of the plant through hand or seed drill.
  • The last one is pellet application in which fertilizers are applied in pellets form 2.5 to 5.0cm deep in wet fields.

The liquid form of applying fertilizers

  • One of them is the foliar application in which fertilizers are applied and absorbed by the leaves causing a quick change in the plant’s health. It is also called spraying plants.
  • You can also inject fertilizer solution into the soil. It is used with some trees.
  • There is an aerial application in which the application is done via an airplane.
  • Fertigation is also practiced to apply fertilizers in liquid form. It is the injection of chemicals in the irrigation system.
It is very important to know the different methods of applying and using the right one to get the desired results. Filter Aid Suppliers In India offer the best inorganic fertilizers for better crop growth in different forms for perfect application.

Monday, 25 March 2019

Granulation of Fertilizers Using Rotatory Granulation Drum

Granulation of Fertilizers Using Rotatory Granulation Drum - NAQ GLOBAL

Granulation of fertilizer products gives some of the most feasible approaches to mix minerals for creating a multi-nutrient fertilizer. Additionally, it allows for bulk stockpiling and packaging by fertilizer coating material Suppliers, while providing the ease to handle and apply the product. One type of equipment that has turned out to be known for its consistency and adaptability in producing fertilizer is the rotatory granulation drum. This revolving process gear and the assortment of items that it can produce is a perfect fit for the fertilizer industry’s ever-evolving demands.

How the granulation drum manufactures the best quality fertilizer product? 

The meaning of a granule, as it identifies with the rotary drum, is a strong, round pellet, in the size scope of roughly 1-6 mm. These granules can differ in properties and synthetic cosmetics, contingent upon what is required for the application. An inorganic fertilizer, for example, NPK, which is also considered a multi-nutrient compost, comprises of nitrogen (N), phosphate (P), and potassium (K), and is a regularly pelletized item.

A granulation drum is mainly used to bundle these minerals, which regularly are in the form of fine powder. The minerals can be mixed into one granule, forming into an all-in-one product, or the individual granules can be mixed with others during a later stage in the packaging process. In the absence of this technology, the powdery materials would be difficult to handle due to their dusty nature, the denser particles would settle to the base of the barrel or the bag, resulting into the creation of an inconsistent mix and causing huge application challenges.

Apart from developing a highly consistent and durable granule, granulation drum can also be used to create granules that are more dynamic in a property. Diverse liquid binders can be utilized for the purpose of creating an enclosed granule that comes with different release properties. Also, a multi-layered pellet can also be produced with the addition of different materials at subsequent stages during the granulation process.

The Process of Fertilizer Granulation - During the granulation process of inorganic fertilizers, for instance, the creation of diammonium phosphate (DAP) or monoammonium phosphate (MAP), the granulation drum is used for a chemical reaction in connection with the arrangement of a strong granule. The chemical reaction, that basically starts in a pre-neutralizer tank, ends up neutralizing the phosphoric corrosive slurry with alkali, while all the while at the same time creating a granule that contains both phosphate and nitrogen, two indispensable supplements required in a multi-nutrient #fertilizer.

However, as mentioned earlier, another possible option that can build effectiveness in certain settings is the inclusion of a pipe reactor, which pre-blends the fluids and created DAP or MAP in a hot melt state. it is then the hot-melt is then encouraged into the granulation drum; the heat from the compound reaction alongside a particular amount of dry material of seed makes a pellet consisting of both the nitrogen as well as the phosphate.

The granulation drum's flexibility does not finish at DAP or MAP creation; potash powder can likewise be added into this procedure for the purpose of creating an NPK. The successive impact of the drum rotatory functions admirably with practically any combination of wet and dry inorganic minerals.

Advances in Granulation Drum Design 

Almost all industries have witnessed significant growth due to present day technology. Some of the most popular advancements in the design of the granulation drum are as follows -

Integrated Pipe Reactor - Completely blends and helps in the reaction of ammonia with phosphoric or potentially sulfuric acids, for enabling the creation of fluid or hot melt which is then sprayed within the drum. This takes out the requirement for pre-balance tanks and furthermore expands effectiveness. 

Tumbler flights - Used to expand the material disturbance to consummate the falling impact and make the ideal granule properties.

Corrosion resistant and Flexible Drum Liners – Can be utilized to diminish or exclude material develop from the walls of a drum, and also the damage that is the result of corrosive binders/materials.

Thursday, 9 August 2018

Coloring Aid for Fertilizers

Coloring Aid for Fertilizers


Coloring fertilizers often help in making them more appealing or in distinguishing between different fertilizers grades. coloring agents give beauty to fertilizer granules/prills especially when considering the fact that they help in brand image formation, technical properties, cosmetic qualities, visual homogeneity, color coding of grades, etc. According to the demand in the markets, farmers often ask for certain specific colors for a particular grade of fertilizer. Historically, some popular fertilizer grades were known to have a specific color, like brown for potash was considered to of extremely high quality. Today some farmers still have this perception that red potash is of high quality, encouraging fertilizer manufacturers to give that particular color to their produced fertilizers.

Coloring agents usually contain a combination of pigments which are added to slurry or fertilizers by various methods. The end product is a uniform colored fertilizer that is free flowing, if coated by proper means and appropriate chemistry and engineering, such as that coated by NAQ GLOBAL.

NAQ Global provides a wide range of coloring agents for fertilizers, including solutions for surface or body coloring.We have the technologies to ensure both, body and surface color, of the fertilizer, and can give recommendations for ideal coloring in accordance with the requirements of the customers. These colors can withstand harsh environment conditions, ammoniation, high temperature and humidity.

NAQ Global’s coloring solutions for fertilizers can often include benefits anti-dusting or anti-caking properties depending on the demands of the customers. This is an essential aspect of our mission to give complete solutions for fertilizer quality improvement rather than just a couple of products.Coloring aids often require specialized equipment and machinery that our technicians and engineers will be happy install and even teach the people in the plant about careful their monitoring.

NAQ Global’s GREENCOAT is available in various shades that are perspicaciously chosen based on the requirements of the customers and the base color of fertilizer granules/prills.Our research scientists, engineers, and field technicians can diagnose and prescribe the appropriate physical machinery and systems, coloring aid, coating agent, or a combination of multiple assorted products to achieve the desired result, in appearance and efficiency both, for our customers.